What are the pink crystals? What Eudialyte will bring ?
There are many different types of pink crystals, today we will introduce Eudialyte and Kunzite.
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Eudialyte is a variety of pink garnet often intermingled with other minerals.
Its common source is Russia.
This kind of crystal is most suitable for Aries. It matches the heart chakra.
It is good for eye disorders.
And it is also good for emotional release, opening the heart, and connecting with childhood, the past and past lives. Brings extra-sensory perception(ESP), self love, and forgiveness. With metamorphosis quartz, it eases the discomfort of change.
Eudialyte has earned the nickname "Stone of the Heartland" because of its connection to the energies of unconditional love and the ability to root these energies on the earth plane through thought, feeling, and performance. Eudialyte provides people with the energy to ensure survival needs are met, while also providing the loving energy necessary to identify and satisfy inner desires. It is a stone that balances physical and emotional needs so that one can live in harmony with the experience of both. Eudialyte firmly connects the heart and roots, opening the door to increased synchrony, bridging the gap between what must be done and what the heart wants to do. It is a powerful ally for realizing dreams and inspiration.
The energy of Eudialyte helps to balance one's inner emotions and outer experiences. Eudialyte provides vitality, self-love and protection to those who use it, and creates a strong impression of the emotional body. It teaches us how to heal and balance our emotions through our own efforts; rather than looking outward for solutions. Eudialyte is a powerful guide to the heart. Because it enables a person to face depression and self-dissatisfaction to find the root cause of such phenomena. It promotes absence forgiveness and self-love for self and others.
Eudialyte has a deep connection to soul relationships and is able to show us the purpose of each relationship. It shows us past soulmates, revealing the reasons for meeting them and their purpose in our lives (whether or not they are still with us in the physical realm). When meditating or sleeping with Eudialyte, it can provide insight into why certain soulmates might reject you, and whether they are really soulmates.
Eudialyte is great for defusing jealousy, resentment and intense hostility. Eudialyte is also very beneficial for those who feel "lost" and don't know what they want or their path in life. It helps identify our gifts and talents and the appropriate way to express them, so we can create a pathway to a fulfilling life.
Kunzite is a pink variety of spodumene forming flattened prismatic crystals with vertical striations. It may also be clear, lilac, blue, green hiddenite, or yellow. Crystals may be two or three different colors.
This kind of crystal is most suitable for Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra, Scorpio. It matches the heart chakra.
A“feel better” stone that is good for love, expression and flow(it removes obstacles from your path). Can remove negativity in the environment and act as a protective shield.
Kunzite is good for female sexuality, and the heart, blood pressure, skin, and lungs. Aidshormone secretion and brings youthful appearance. Helps with addictions, smoking cessation,premenstrual tension(PMT),and period pains. Removes energy blocks that can cause physical dis-ease.
It can brings calm. Good for self-esteem,centering and meditation. Helps desire, control, compulsive behavior, immaturity, depression, and all stress-related conditions.
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